Alternative Payment Methods (APMs)
Take payments from digital wallets like Alipay, WeChat Pay and Centrapay on your EFTPOS terminal.
NOTE: If you would like to set up Alternative Payment Methods on your terminal contact our sales team on 0800 EFTPOS (0800 338 767, option 1).
How to process an APM purchase

- Enter transaction amount
- Tap Purchase
- Customer selects APM logo on present card screen
- Terminal displays QR code for customer to scan with mobile device
- Customer authorises transaction in-app on their mobile device
- Terminal displays Approved or Declined
Note: QR code must be scanned within 60 seconds; APM purchases can include Tips, but not Cash or Surcharge.
How to refund an APM transaction
- Enter refund amount, tap Other, then tap Refund
- Enter passcode
- Refund amount is displayed on the screen. Tap the correct APM.
- Enter 11-digit ‘Auth-code’ starting with a ‘V’ which you can find in your Transaction History or on the original transaction receipt as the ‘APTXID’.
- Your terminal processes the refund and then displays Approved or Declined
Note: Latipay does not support refunds from the terminal.
APM transaction reports
APM transactions are available to view in your
Transaction History. Separate settlement totals for APMs are accessed through the Device Manager app:
- Swipe down from the top of the Notification bar
- Tap the App Launcher icon
- Tap Device Manager app
- Tap APM Totals report from the Device Manager menu
- Tap Get Totals to retrieve today’s report, or to view any other date tap Change, select date and then tap Get Totals
- Report will display count and value of Purchases and Refunds processed for the settlement period for each APM
VX 690, VX 680, VX 820 Duet & VX 520 Colour
How to Process Alipay Transactions
Verifone Network:
- Enter transaction details
- Customer selects Alipay
- Display QR code for customer to scan
- Customer authorises transaction in Alipay app
- Transaction confirmed, customer and merchant notified
Worldline Network:
- Enter transaction details
- Customer selects Alipay
- Display QR code for customer to scan
- Customer authorizes transaction in Alipay app
- Transaction confirmed, customer and merchant notified
NOTE: If a transaction times out, check reasons like scanning delay or insufficient funds.
How to Refund Alipay Transactions
- Enter transaction details
- Customer selects Alipay
- Display QR code for customer to scan
- Customer authorizes transaction in Alipay app
- Transaction confirmed, customer and merchant notified
NOTE: Alipay refunds are not available for some service providers. Check the merchant portal provided by your Alipay service provider for more information.
How to Cancel Alipay Transactions
- Select red Cancel key on QR code screen
- Confirm cancellation
How to Retrieve Alipay Transaction Totals
Verifone Network:
- Select 'Settlement' from main menu
- Select 'Other Payments'
- Enter date within last 7 days
- Totals receipt printed
Worldline Network:
- Select 'Settlement' from main menu
- Select 'APM Totals'
- Enter date within last 7 days
- Totals receipt printed