Get started with Pay By Link & Verifone Online Payments

In this guide, we detail the next steps for setting up Pay by Link and Verifone Online Payments for your online store.

Welcome to Verifone Online Payments 🎉

Your online payment facility is ready! Follow the steps below to get started taking payment online with Verifone, on your website or with the Pay by Link tool.

3DS Authentication

Before we activate your Verifone Merchant ID on our payment gateway, we’ll enroll it for 3DS security. 3DS Authentication can help prevent payment fraud, obstruct unauthorized transactions, and decrease charge-backs. There’s nothing you need to do. Learn more about 3DS here.

1. Set up your Online Payment facility on Verifone Central

1. Log in to Verifone Central Offsite Link

2. Go to Administration >Account Set up > Organisation Company and Sites, and select your Parent Organisation that starts with 'Account'

3. Scroll down to Secure Card Capture click Create new public key

Note: You must be a merchant administrator to generate public keys

Skip to Step 3 if you're just using Pay by Link

2. Integrate your website

If your online payment facility will be used to accept payments on your website, go ahead and set up the Verifone Hosted Cart on your website using one of our shopping cart plugins:

Full eCommerce integration documentation is available on Verifone Cloud Offsite Link

3. Brand your checkout page

The Checkout Themes editor on Verifone Central allows you to customise the layout and design of your Hosted Payment Page for Pay by Link and HPP Website Integrations.

Add your logo to your payment page and choose from a range of colour and font options to match your brand identity. Build trust with customers and keep your brand top of mind.

Learn more about the Checkout Theme Editor on Verifone Cloud here Offsite Link

NOTE: For Pay by Link, you will select a Checkout Theme each time you create a payment link. For website integrations using the Verifone Hosted Payment Page, you will need to configure which theme to use on the Admin panel of your website.

    4. Set up Webhooks & Email Notifications


    Once you've set up the Verifone Hosted Checkout on your website, setting up Webhooks for your shopping cart plugin Offsite Link will allow you to:

    • ensure that Orders are updated even if the customer abandons the Hosted Payment Page (HPP), and
    • sync Orders with Verifone Central so that any modification done on Verifone Central is reflected on your eCommerce platform (e.g., refunds performed on Verifone Central).

    Email notifications

    Get status updates on certain events/actions for your payment links and/or Verifone Hosted Cart, and automate business processes like order management, accounting, or downloading reports.

    To access the Notifications tool on Verifone Central head to the Administration tab and click Notifications under Advanced Settings.

    5. Set up Blocking Rulesets

    This feature allows you to block certain transactions based on rules you set up. Save on fees for transactions that are not forwarded for further processing. Learn more here Offsite Link

    6. Get started with Pay by Link

    If you're signed up for Pay by Link, see our Pay by Link User Guide here.

    Help & Support

    Detailed documentation is available on Verifone Cloud Offsite Link For troubleshooting and support send a message to our eCommerce Support Team.