EFTPOS NZ takes care of all software and hardware compliance upgrades for its customers. Even if you are not an EFTPOS NZ customer, we can still help to check your terminal software and perform an easy upgrade if necessary.
Every payment device and software version released into the market enters a life cycle. This cycle ensures that the entire payments ecosystem stays at the forefront of payments security. Payment device and software versions must continuously upgrade to meet industry standards. Failure to upgrade your terminal device or software may result in a letter from your terminal provider or payment network advising you to upgrade. This means that your device or software is approaching its sunset date and will no longer comply with industry standards, making it unable to transact.
Compliance with software and hardware regulations is crucial in ensuring that the EFTPOS ecosystem is secure for both cardholders and merchants. Upgrades are necessary to keep EFTPOS terminals up to industry standards and ensure their smooth operation. EFTPOS NZ proactively takes care of all compliance upgrades for our customers.
If you're not an EFTPOS NZ customer, we can still help to check your terminal software and perform an easy upgrade if necessary. Call 0800 338 767 for more information.